The most expensive insurance in the world 2021

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What type of insurance is the most expensive?

Dovi Frances, a billionaire from the US, is said to have been a silicon valley executive who took seven months to assemble 19 companies to jointly take over the policy, which, after all, is unaffordable for an insurance company and means that if a billionaire dies unexpectedly, beneficiaries will receive more than $200m, almost unimaginable to the average person.

The most expensive insurance in the world 2021

most expensive insurance claims ever

But knowing that inheritance tax in the U.S. is terrible, sources say the rich also require that beneficiaries receive the policy without paying 45 percent inheritance tax, which means that beneficiaries can get the money in almost full. And this sky-high policy is undoubtedly for insurance companies to have sufficient cash flow, can be said to be in the snow to send carbon-like time.

The most expensive insurance in the world 2021
The most expensive insurance in the world 2021

Who has the highest insurance rates in the world?

the most expensive insurance in the world 2021

According to the adviser who issued the policy at the time, many of the billionaires put their money into hard assets, such as property, gold and oil, so once the rich die, insurance companies will have to pay a lot of cash, which leads to the company’s capital is very tight, but the billionaire who bought $201 million can be said to have untangled their immediate needs.

The most expensive insurance in the world 2021

most expensive insurance companies

Before that, David Geffen, a Hollywood musician, was said to have been the world’s most expensive policy after he put in $100 million in insurance in 1990, but now the world’s most expensive policy has been taken over by American billionaire Dovi Frances, whose $200 million-plus policy is almost double David’s, comparable to the one The most expensive woman has ever given her.

Who has the highest insurance rates in the world?

Rank Country Total premiums per capita
1 Cayman Islands $12,764
2 Hong Kong 9,706
3 United States 7,495
4 Switzerland 6,835

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