What is the most expensive
What is the most expensive

The most expensive cow in the world, worth up to 40 million US dollars! Drink whiskey every night to fall asleep

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The Most Expensive Cow in the world

What is the most expensive

In our daily life, as an edible meat, the price is relatively high, but do you know the price of the most expensive cow in the world? Its value is as high as 240 million! Is it a shock? Why is it so expensive? Let’s have a look. most expensive cow in the world

Cattle is a very sacred symbol in India, and its status can be said to be quite high! Indians worship cattle, which is mainly related to Hinduism. In the whole of India, most residents are Hindus, so these people regard cattle as their gods. And they believe in reincarnation. Many people want to be a cow after reincarnation.

Drink whiskey every night to fall

What is the most expensive

Today’s “priceless cow” is called “Sudan”. It is 1.8 meters tall, 4.3 meters long and weighs 1.5 tons. In terms of body size alone, it is twice as strong as a normal bull and “the largest cow in the world”. Its feeding is also super exquisite. A man specially serves it, which can be said to be customized. It not only takes a walk and takes a bath twice a day, but also needs to be fed regularly. The food is comprehensive and nutritious. Milk,whiskey, fruits, vegetables and grains can’t be less. The food cost will cost 60$ a day!

The most special thing is that the cow has a little habit of “drinking”. It drinks a bottle of whisky after walking every day. It can’t sleep without drinking. But this cow doesn’t just enjoy without paying. Because of its strong body and better physique than ordinary cows, it has also participated in many competitions and won many champions in India.

It is precisely because they have great respect for cattle that they will not sell cattle. So what are they going to do? According to statistics, India now has more than 500 million cattle, while the number of old cattle has reached 200 million. These cattle have become a burden on India and can only wait for natural death. There are even shelters and shelters for these aging cattle.

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